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Hippocrates, Greek Physician, Kos, 460-377 BC


Your food will be your remedy - and your remedy will be your food.


Below you will find advice and information on various topics that concern us all and are more important than ever. Nutrition, with all its aspects and facets, contains all the fundamental elements for a healthy and competent immune system and is therefore the basis of our health and vitality.
These are not personal or secular opinions, but simply how our metabolism works, in a simplified analogy like a car that needs various fluids and a certain amount of care. The aim is also to clarify popular opinions, often one-sided and incomplete, and misleading opinions. Last but not least, some invisible substances (sugar, pesticides and preservatives) should be mentioned which, if not taken into account in the nutritional concept, cause considerable damage to our health in the long run.
Even if in good faith, we take more care of many things in our lives - from the workplace, to the house, to the garden, to the various appliances - than of our bodies. Even pets and livestock are given minerals and vitamins to keep them healthy, which leaves some fundamental questions unanswered...
How our bodies produce energy, what causes us to lose physical and mental energy, and how we can actually increase our energy is covered in the section “Energy and Vitality”.

Basic Consideration

Basically, the teaching of nutrition is simple. You try to have a balanced diet and your body takes in what it needs. So far so good, but unfortunately today food has a low nutritional value that is devoid of minerals and vitamins. This is due to the early harvest of vegetables and fruits long before they are ripe; therefore they do not reach their full nutritional value. In addition, their growth is artificially accelerated with fertilizers, so as to hinder the natural ripening process.
As a result, it is clear that all of us are malnourished to some extent, even if we try to eat a balanced diet. (Important note: malnutrition is not the same as undernourishment; see also "hidden hunger").
Another important problem for our body is the increasing contamination of food with chemicals (pesticides, antibiotics, preservatives, heavy metals, etc.).
Furthermore, modern society has moved in a direction characterized by stress and frenetic rhythms, which have a negative impact on the psyche.
All these factors contribute to a latent chronic inflammation and hyperacidification of our body, which manifests itself in numerous symptoms such as muscle tension, joint pain, fatigue, sleep and concentration disorders, high blood pressure, skin rashes, mucous membrane and gum problems, etc.
Consequently, the following 4 important aspects are to be considered:

  • The integration of micronutrients through food supplements preferably on a natural or plant basis, because the intestine is able to absorb natural substances better, i.e. the bioavailability of natural products is significantly higher than that of synthetic products. It should be taken into account that the nutritional profile varies depending on the life situation (youth, pregnancy, competitive sports, age, etc.).

  • The intestinal flora or microbiome which is a fundamental element of our immune system. The intestine, also called the second brain, must be considered the root of our body.

  • Detoxification of the body, and

  • deacidification of the body, through specific diets, fasting or a metabolic cure. The goal of such cures is the purification and regeneration of the organs so that our metabolism works better. We see improvements in various chronic diseases. It is also an excellent opportunity to lose weight.

Healthy Eating

The attached link summarizes the most important aspects of nutrition, without claiming to be exhaustive. These are points that affect most of our modern society in a similar way. Of course, individual factors (genetic and epigenetic), as well as physical behavior and sports, must be taken into account in each individual case; however, this would go beyond the scope of this basic summary, but we will be happy to discuss these topics in more detail in a personal meeting.

For Vegetarians

Vegetarians attach great importance to a conscious diet, which we also share, recommending a diet that takes ecological and sustainable aspects into account. However, it is not uncommon for vegetarians to have significant vitamin deficiencies (especially vitamin B12). In addition, protein levels should be checked from time to time and should preferably be in the upper range of the normal range; in this case, the diet can be continued; if the values ​​are lower than normal, it is necessary to supplement essential amino acids (proteins) to avoid metabolic disorders.
The situation is even more critical for vegans, for whom regular checks by specialists are recommended.

Meat consumption

If you like meat, you should pay particular attention to its origin and, if possible, favor organic farms. In addition to the fact that mass farming is unnatural and often cruel to animals, antibiotics are used and other additives are added to food, which in the long run damage our microbiome and our organism. Depending on the manufacturer, the content of sausages is rather poor quality; sugars and preservatives are also added that are not good for our metabolism. Meat does not have to be eaten every day; the principle of "less is more" or "quality over quantity" applies.


The attached link contains some information on the intestinal flora. This is a topic that fortunately is increasingly being heard in academic medicine.
The quality and concentration of products (probiotics and prebiotics) is of fundamental importance in the treatment of intestinal diseases; in addition to elementary substances for the regeneration of the intestinal mucosa, it is necessary to provide a sufficient quantity of fiber, which favors the survival of the healthy bacteria administered.


Intestinal cure

Since the intestinal flora plays a central role in our health, it is advisable to perform an intestinal cure 1-2 times a year. It lasts 16 days and does not require any changes in eating habits; it is not a diet, but a treatment of the intestinal mucosa and the microbiome.
Of course, it is advisable to have already changed your diet (see above).
It is useful to prepare the intestine with fiber and probiotic bacteria for a few weeks before the treatment, in order to prevent or at least reduce unpleasant side effects (flatulence or mild flu symptoms), which can occur with all detox therapies.

Detox cures

Detoxing once or twice a year is highly recommended, but there are a few things to consider. A Chinese proverb says: “If you want to chase a tiger out of your house, open the doors and windows before stepping on its tail.”

In terms of a detox program, this means preparing the body with its detoxification organs (liver, kidneys) and intestines in such a way that no unwanted effects occur. This is because toxins (heavy metals, xenobiotics, etc.) accumulate mainly in the adipose tissue. During diets and fasts, the body draws energy from its reserves (accumulated fat), thus also releasing toxins; they are then eliminated through the intestines, liver and kidneys. If these organs are not prepared or lack the micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) necessary for the detoxification processes, the body cannot detoxify itself sufficiently: this can lead to a concentration of toxins in the organs, which in turn has a negative effect on our body (boomerang effect).

Note: Liver detox is very simple, cheap and at the same time very effective: no alcohol, no sugar, no carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, pizza, corn, potatoes, etc. for 6 weeks!

Metabolic cure

The aim of the metabolic cure is to stimulate fat metabolism and fat burning. It is not only an effective method for losing weight (without the yo-yo effect), but also an excellent detox cure. It has numerous positive and regenerative effects on our body and chronic disorders of various kinds can be alleviated or improved, at least that's what those who have done it report.
The metabolic cure is a combination of a specific diet and the supplementation of high-quality micronutrients and a special activator salt, which you can request from us.
If you are interested, please contact us directly to discuss some details individually.

General note: Any kind of change requires a strong will. At the beginning there is often fear, uncertainty and doubt as to whether it really works and whether it is worth it. Good mental preparation and a strong conviction are therefore necessary; furthermore, detox cures of any kind are often interrupted due to lack of resistance. Our experience shows that your body and your health will thank you. The success of this treatment is guaranteed, provided, of course, that the instructions are followed and respected.

Some Customer Feedback


There are numerous diets that often cause a yo-yo effect and thus lead to frustration. A healthy and scientifically based diet is the LOGI® diet (see the books of Prof. Nicolai Worm, a German nutritionist); the LOGI® diet is an acronym for low glycemic and insulinemic diet. It takes into account not only the quantity of calories, but also their quality, especially with regard to the glycemic index: this measures the speed with which the carbohydrates contained in food enter the bloodstream and subsequently also the amount of insulin released.
In short, the LOGI® diet is actually the classic Mediterranean diet of 100 years ago; however, it is relatively easy to lose 8-10 kilos of body weight within a year.
To lose weight effectively and in a shorter period of time, we therefore recommend the metabolic cure. However, the LOGI® diet should also determine your daily eating behavior in the future.

Specific recommendations

Sedentary occupations

If you have a sedentary job or are not very physically active (less than 10,000 steps a day and little sport), you should avoid carbohydrates (bread, pizza, pasta, potatoes, rice, rolls, crisps, refined sugar, sweet drinks) as much as possible.

High levels of stress

Under stress of any kind, our behavior often changes imperceptibly. When it comes to nutrition, we tend to eat in a hurry and resort to quickly available energy sources (fast food), which are usually rich in carbohydrates and low-quality fats, a combination that has a negative impact on the scale.
In addition, the body tends to use protein structures (e.g. muscles) as a source of energy and then slowly begins to disassemble itself (= energy cannibalism). This increases the negative effect on our metabolism, not least on our immune system.

In old age

From the age of 20, we continuously lose muscle mass. For this reason, it is important to do regular physical activity (walk at least one hour a day); The protein content of the diet should also be sufficiently high (1.5-2 g per kilogram of body weight). Protein also improves our emotional state.
Omega 3 and vitamin D are essential for brain function.
Women with osteoporosis should also pay special attention to intestinal health (intestinal care) and supplement with sufficient calcium.
All these measures have a positive effect on our brain: better mood (less depression), better brain performance (less memory loss and dementia), more joy in life, in a word: longevity (= healthy aging).

Serious illnesses and malignant tumors

Serious illnesses usually have multiple causes. For this reason, all areas of life must be taken into account in order to achieve therapeutic success.
The motto is: “If I have led a life that has led me to a certain illness, then I must pursue other paths that will make me healthy again.”
Anyone who suffers or has suffered from a serious illness or cancer should follow Dr. Kelly A. Turner's "9 Ways to a Cancer-Free Life" (original title in English: Radical Remission - Surviving cancer against all odds):

  1. Radically change your diet

  2. Take control of your health

  3. Follow your intuition

  4. Take supplements

  5. Release repressed emotions

  6. Strengthen positive emotions

  7. Allow and accept social support

  8. Deepen your spiritual connection

  9. Strengthen your will to live (answer questions about the meaning of life)

Regarding changes in diet: tumors feed on glucose (= sugar), which comes from various sources: fruit (fructose), carbohydrates, sweets, refined sugar). Medicine uses this for diagnostic purposes by radioactively marking the sugar, administering it in a solution and then performing a special tomography (PET-CT); this makes suspicious lesions visible. If the tumor is deprived of sugar (ketogenic diet), it has difficulty maintaining its energy levels and as a result, growth often slows down. Of course, the tumor does not disappear with diet alone! In this regard, specific therapies by interdisciplinary specialists are necessary. Complementary therapies, however, show a significantly better survival rate if the above points are followed.

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